I’m Emily, a Marketer obsessed with data, storytelling and creative problem-solving.

Let’s work together.

“Who is She?”


I’m a Storyteller

Despite my analytical tendencies, it’s undeniable that emotions inspire us all to take action. A business is only as powerful as its ability to guide prospects along the buyer’s journey - and it all begins with powerful storytelling.

I subscribe to the methods shared in Building A Story Brand, and hope to apply my love for messaging and storytelling to your business goals.

I’m a Grower

I believe that you can only grow as fast as you are willing to leave your assumptions at the door. Although I’m confident in my skills and experience, staying humble and curious is paramount to my overall success and the company I’m with.

Just like gardening (I’m obsessed, by the way) marketing is not about doing something perfectly the first time; it’s about showing up with an open mind and becoming less and less wrong with every season.


I’m Endlessly Curious

If something inspires or perplexes me, I will dive in. This is what’s driven me to learn everything I can about SEO, paid advertising, web design, content marketing, partner ecosystems, demand generation, product launches, strategic planning, and more.

The breadth and depth of my understanding of marketing is now a priceless gift that never stops giving. There’s nothing I enjoy more than always learning and sharing it with likeminded creators and visionaries.


Want to learn more?


Let’s meet.

I’d be happy to hear from you!